Saturday, March 5

Poker Strategies

Aggressive Players


Poker is a game where players compete against one another, not against the house. This makes it different than other gambling games where each player is playing against the house. The house makes its money on the game by taking a small portion out of the pot. It doesn't set the payout percentage like it does with slot machines. With slot machines, the house will always win in the long-run. If the payout percentage is ninety-five percent, the house will, in the long-run, receive $.95 out of every dollar and pay out only $.05 out of every dollar. It doesn't work like this in poker. The house doesn't care how big a pot is built by the players and how big the pot is that you win. They get their rake either way.

To be successful at poker requires some of the same strategies that are importance to being successful in other forms of gambling. Unless you want to be a continual donor to the pot, you need to have a strategy in addition to skill. Your strategy has to include discipline and money management, just as in other forms of gambling. Discipline means self-control or thinking with your brain and not with your emotions. You have to be able to throw down a hand that you know isn't going to win. You have to be able to walk away when losing instead of doing the "just $100 more and I'll win it back" number. Discipline means that you don't play when you've had too much to drink. You have to have the self-control and discipline to control your money. Make a plan that allocates a certain amount of money to your poker playing. This is money that you don't need for other things, like rent or food or the electric bill.

The money you allocate to online poker playing is money that won't hurt you if you lose it. You don't want to bet your car payment on a poker hand! If you lose the money that you have allocated to that session, then quit. If you set the limit for the evenings play at $250 and you've lost the $250, then quit. Don't keep digging into your pocket or you will end the evening with empty pockets. Also, have a positive attitude which you combine with your knowledge of the game and you skill at playing. Don't sit down at the table with the attitude that "I'll play until I lose my $300." With that kind of attitude why bother to play at all. Why don't you just donate the money? You need a positive realistic attitude combined with discipline. This is the basis for any strategy for success in poker or any other form of gambling.

One of the advantages of playing casino poker at a table is that you can see the other players. You can see their reaction to the cards that are played, to the bets and raises and to the other players. You can listen to their conversations. If you know how to listen, the other player's actions and words can tell you what kind of hand they have. It takes a lot of practice and discipline to have a poker-face. Unless the players are very disciplined, they will let things slip. We've all been in games where somebody is dealt the card that they need for an inside straight or a flush and they light up like a Christmas tree! Or they gasp when they look at the card and their eyes widen! These are some of the little things to watch for. These are the signals that are absent when the game is being played online.

In order to win at poker you have to be able to bluff. A bluff is when a player bets and raises trying to make the other players think he has a good winning hand. The purpose of the bluff is to make them drop out. Then the player who is bluffing takes the pot. You can't always have a winning hand, and sometimes you have to take the opportunity to take a hand. Watch the professional poker games on television. How often do you see them bluff? Sometimes you'll watch a professional player take several pots in a row by bluffing. And he is playing against other professionals! If you can't bluff, then don't sit down at the poker table. Going along with this is the Show Play. Here you let one of the other players bluff even when you know you have the better hand, maybe a pair of pocket aces. This way you hide the strength of your hand, and you let the other player build the pot for you. This way the table focuses on the other player and doesn't pay too much attention to you until the end when they wonder "What does he have?"

When playing poker, you want to analyze each situation on its merits. You have an Ace-King on the deal this hand just as you had two hands ago. If you follow some book or magazine article that tells you how to play poker, you will do the same thing each time. If you play mechanically based on some book or magazine article you become predictable to your opponents. Pretty soon they will be able to guess your hands by watching your actions. Playing like a robot is not the way to play poker. You must be analytical about the situation and treat each hand as a separate event. You need to learn to think to be successful at poker, not to follow the rules that some magazine article gives you. What cards are on the table? If there are three Aces on the table, whereas two hands ago there were twos and threes, that should tell you that the situation is different and you don't play it the same way. Each hand is a separate event and the cards, players, etc. should be analyzed within that context.

These are just a few tips and strategies to keep in mind when playing poker.

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Wednesday, March 2

Betting Poker Casino

Aggressive Players

Casino games have been dominating the Internet for quite some time now. This is because individuals who do not have time to go to land-based casinos can satisfy their gambling cravings over the Internet. Because they are playing online casino games, it is most likely that these people also engage in betting poker casino. Since poker is very popular, there are plenty of individuals who love playing it - whether it be over the World Wide Web or in land-based casinos. They say that there is just something that playing poker gives them, that is why they become addicted. Listed below are some of the most popular betting systems you can choose from in betting poker casino.

Progressive Betting System

This is considered the favorite because it increases the chances of the player to win in each game, with the bets usually going higher as the games progress. The bets are not that high once you start, however, you have to prepare yourself for when the game gets longer; the bets begin to rise higher as well. This is a very profitable system if luck is on your side and have a winning streak going. Of course, you can always stop once you feel that you have had enough for the day.

Negative Progression Betting System

For those who already know the mechanics of betting poker casino, they can try this kind of betting system. This is actually the opposite of the progression betting system. Each loss you experience, you are actually risking larger bets against the house. This kind of system is not recommended for beginners as they may just end up walking away with nothing left.

Insurance Betting System

This kind of betting system starts with a very high initial bet. However, once you start winning, the bet amounts decrease. This system is quite helpful, especially if you know how to play your cards. When you are on a roll, you know that each bet will cost you less since you are winning. This may be favorable to some players. They know that they have a chance to be better after that winning moment.

All of these can help you win as long as you know how to use them properly. More so, learn which system is the best for you when betting poker casino. It will enable you to be an expert in no time. Just give yourself some time before you can call yourself a well-seasoned casino player. Try not to take everything seriously and just have fun. Enjoy the winnings that you get and know when to stop if you are on a losing streak.

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Get Paid To Learn From Gus Hunsen

Are Online Casinos an internet-based Poker Sites for you?

Aggressive Players

The excitement and thrill of winning instantly and generating money from practically nothing but your skills can be very addictive. This is why online poker sites have become a worldwide phenomenon on (blank) making the owners of online casinos and the players themselves very rich in no time at all. In today's technological age, gambling has become so easy and accessible that companies have become extremely successful in providing gambling services to the general public that various other vendors simply cannot provide.

Although gambling and casinos came about in the 1800s, the trend of online casinos and online poker sites is quite new and has only come about within the last two decades. This fairly new phenomenon came with a whole new job occupation, which has become even more prevalent: the job of the expert online gambler. Yes, professional gamblers have been with us for quite some time, too, but only recently have they risen as online players - a whole new breed altogether, consisting of more intelligent and younger players with the ability and capacity to succeed at work, yet still opt to make a living the gambling way instead.

Such expert gamblers are not the same as regular gamblers because their outlook on everyday work and how business should be conducted, along with their overall office hours, generally revolve around tournaments on online poker sites. As online gamblers, they do not just gamble, but they also put in a lot of dedication, time and patience to actually master and conquer the game. In fact, such online poker players might spend tons of hours practicing and studying various strategies and methods of play everyday, while optimizing a personal strategy to use for each winning hand at the same time.

There is no longer a need for you to stand in crowded casinos filled with depressing people and smoke anymore, either, thanks to online casinos. With an Internet connection, you can turn your own home office into a huge betting house and casino, with your personal computer acting as the major trading tool. If you are passionate about statistics and can deal with high pressure levels; if you enjoy playing poker on online poker sites and don't minded sitting at a computer for hours every day, then online gaming might just be something you could look into further for extra, if not full time, income.

Naturally, most people today know all about the negative aspects of gambling. However, you should also know that starting up a business is not easy, either; the same goes for getting interviews and finding jobs. Just like with everything else in life, you should start small if you want to look into serious playing at online casinos. This means that you should only bet the money that you can actually afford to let go. It would be best to do several practice runs at various online poker sites first so you can practice on an actual website without betting any money yet. (This is also known as phantom playing.) Then, jot down the bets that you make on some paper without actually making money and see whether you are talented in it or not. Have fun and good luck! And remember: gamble responsibly.

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